今回幸運にもこの素晴らしく美味しいGeishaを手に入れることができました。毎年、El Puenteのチームはいくつかの異なる品種とプロセスを生産していますが、このウォッシュトのGeishaは、この農園とホンジュラス全体が生産する最高級コーヒーの代表です。
This is a wonderful Geisha with gorgeous acidity like melon and white peach, juicy impressions of green grape and mandarin orange, and spicy notes like ginger.
Located near Malcala in the La Paz region, this is a wonderful estate owned by Honduran coffee legends Marysabel Caballero and Moises Herrera, which has won the Cup of Excellence as the most expensive coffee for many years.
We were lucky enough to get our hands on this wonderful and delicious Geisha. Every year, the team at El Puente produces several different varieties and processes, but this washed Geisha represents the finest coffee produced by this farm and Honduras as a whole country.
It is now available in very small quantities and is sold in 50g bags.
Country Honduras
Farm Finca El Puente
Region La Paz, Chinacla
Producer Marysabel Caballero Garcia
Variety Geisha
Process Anaerobic Washed
Altitude 1500-1680masl
Tasting notes Green grape, Melon, Mandarine orange, White peach, Ginger, Jasmine