Sitio da Torre は高品質のコーヒーの生産地として類まれな気候と山脈の連なる美しい景観に囲まれた世界的に有名なマンチケイラ デ ミナスにあります。スペシャルティコーヒーの生産に相応しい標高、土壌、気候と、世紀をまたぎ受け継がれ発展してきた伝統的なコーヒーの生産技術が、このコーヒー大国ブラジルの中でも最も評価の高いコーヒーの生産を可能にしています。
46ヘクタールの農園で年間約1500袋程生産しており、収穫は全て手摘みし、その日のうちにパルピングしウォッシュトプロセスの過程へ、もしくはナチュラルの場合はそのままパティオで乾燥させます。徹底してロットを管理し、2019年までに29回ものCup of Excellenceを獲得しています。
Sitio da Torre is located in the world-famous Manciqueira de Minas, surrounded by a beautiful landscape of mountain ranges and an exceptional climate for the production of high-quality coffee. The altitude, soil and climate are ideal for the production of speciality coffee, and the traditional coffee production techniques that have been passed down and developed over the centuries make it possible to produce some of the most highly regarded coffee in this coffee country.
The 46-hectare plantation produces about 1,500 bags per year, all harvested by hand and pulped on the same day for the washed process, or dried directly on the patio for the natural process. The lots are thoroughly controlled and has been awarded 29 times at Cup of Excellence by 2019.
It has the crisp acidity of red apple and grapefruit, with the sticky sweetness of stone fruits such as mango and strawberry jam. It also has a savoury almond flavour, making it well-balanced.
Country Brazil
Farm Sitio Da Torre
Region Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais
Producer Alvaro Antonio Pereira Coli
Variety Yellow Catuai
Process Natural
Altitude 1100-1300masl
Tasting notes Red Apple, Grapefruit, Mango, Strawberry jam, Almond