Colombia Jairo Arcila【Lulo】
Colombia Jairo Arcila【Lulo】
Colombia Jairo Arcila【Lulo】
Colombia Jairo Arcila【Lulo】
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Colombia Jairo Arcila【Lulo】

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このコーヒーはサンタモニカ農園のJairo Arcilaによって栽培されました。コーヒーチェリーの状態での72時間ドライアナエロビックファーメンテーションが⾏われており、この発酵段階でコロンビア特有の果物ルロとワイン酵母が添加されています。その後、コーヒーチェリーはパルピングされ乾燥⼯程に移されます。乾燥⼯程では、地⾯から⾼くした乾燥台にて、35℃未満の温度環境で理想的な⽔分値に達するまでゆっくりと乾燥が⾏われます。このマイクロロットの品種は100%カスティージョを使⽤しています。この品種はカツーラ品種よりも⽣産性が良く、コーヒーサビ病にも耐性があるため⽣産者に重宝される品種です。

Jairoは、コロンビアのキンディオ出身の3代目コーヒー生産者で2人の子供、CarlosとFelipeがいます。(このFelipeのコーヒーは以前StrawberryとPeachを販売していましたが素晴らしい反響を得ました。) 彼の最初の仕事はコロンビア第2位の輸出業者で、2019年に退職するまで40年以上同社の工場長として働きました。1987年に最初のコーヒー農園であるFinca La Esmeraldaを購入し、ここで初めてカトゥーラのロットを植えました。彼は幸運にもフルタイムで働く傍ら、農園でコーヒーを生産することでも収入を得ることができ、徐々に5つの農園を追加購入することに成功しました。収穫期には彼は地元の人々に多くの仕事を提供し、地域社会に大きな経済効果をもたらしています。



Tropical flavours of peach, mango, passion fruit, papaya and baby kiwi. The dense mango nectar-like aroma and mouthfeel is particularly impressive. There are also bergamot-like notes and moments when it feels like Earl Grey.
Just having a cup of this coffee in the morning makes the whole day feel special.
We would like to say Lulo in the tasting notes, but we are ashamed to say that FREAK members have never had a Lulo before, so we couldn't include it.

This coffee was grown by Jairo Arcila at Finca Santa Monica. A 72-hour dry anaerobic fermentation is carried out on the coffee cherries, and Lulo and wine yeast are added during this fermentation stage. The coffee cherries are then pulped and transferred to the drying process. The drying process takes place on raised drying beds at ground level at temperatures below 35℃ until the ideal moisture content is reached. This micro-lot is made from 100% Castillo variety. This variety is more productive than the Caturra variety and is also more resistant to coffee rust, making it a valuable variety for the producer.

Jairo is a third generation coffee producer from Quindio, Colombia, with two children, Carlos and Felipe. (Felipe's coffees were previously sold here as Strawberry and Peach and received an excellent response.) His first job was with Colombia's second largest exporter, where he worked as their plant manager for over 40 years until his retirement in 2019. During this period he bought his first coffee farm, Finca La Esmeralda, in 1987, where he planted his first lot of Caturra. He was fortunate enough to be able to work full time and also earn an income by producing coffee on this farm, and gradually succeeded in purchasing five additional farms. During the harvest season he provides a lot of work for the local people and has a significant economic impact on the local community.


Country Colombia

Farm Santa Monica

Region Quindio

Producer Jairo Arcila

Variety Castillo

Process Wine Yeast Lulo Infused Honey

Altitude 1450-1500masl

Tasting notes Peach, Papaya, Mango, Baby kiwi, Passion fruit, Bergamot, Earl grey